Members by Contact

Gaffke, Angela

Marketing Manager
G & J Awning & Canvas, Inc.

Gafkjen, Jack

Office: (507) 387-6836

Gag, Aaron

Project Manager
Protouch Painting, Inc.

Gag, Jenny

Gag, John

Office: (507) 354-3813

Gaier, Alex

Marketing Coordinator
Fresh Paint Inc.
Office: (651) 328-7835

Gaier, Bill

Gander, Jim

Garfield, Barry

Gauthier, Jodi

Safety Director/HR
Integrated Building Solutions

Gazett, John

Safety Director
W. Gohman Construction
Office: (320) 363-7781

Gellert, Carrie

Office Manager
Northland Fire Protection

Gentile, Sarah

Office Manager
Elite Insulation, Inc.
Office: (320) 693-2193

Geschwill, Larry

Geschwill, Larry

Gilk, Steve

Office: (320) 243-3644

Gilmore, Diane

Practice Liaison
OSI Physical Therapy
Office: (651) 229-5308

Glen, Ryan

Project & Engineering Manager
ABHE & Svoboda Inc.

Goebel, Sara

Marketing Director
Marcus Construction
Office: (320) 222-6616
Fax: (320) 222-6626

Goeldi, Deb

Rochester - AVP/Commercial Banker
Minnwest Bank
Office: (507) 206-2977

Gohl, Nathan

Office: (320) 258-9376

Gohmann, Curt

Outside Sales
White Cap
Office: (320) 281-4186
Fax: (320) 251-2763
Cell: (651) 247-1870

Gossell, Carl

Gossen, Jeremy

Graalum, Christina

Office: (701) 478-4300

Grahek, Jason

Dir. of Business Development
Knobelsdorff Enterprises
Cell: (763) 710-0848

Grays, Leslie

Grazzini, Greg

Office: (651) 452-1201
Fax: (651) 452-2701

Gregoire, Paul

Underwriting Director
CNA Surety
Office: (952) 285-3418

Gress, Kelly

Vice President
RDO Equipment Company
Office: (952) 890-8880
Fax: (952) 890-7046

Grev, Justin

Office: (507) 642-8018

Grooms, Tony

Managing Partner
Tradeco Construction of MN
Office: (763) 645-5520
Fax: (763) 432-2690

Gross, Melissa

Firm Administrator
Peters & Kappenman, PA

Gross, Tony

Insurance Advisor
Choice Insurance
Office: (701) 356-9769

Groth, Carrie

Office: (651) 463-9333

Grothe, Mark

Safety Manager
PKG Contracting, Inc.
Office: (701) 232-3878

Grubbs, Junia

Office: (763) 592-8640

Gruber, Dale

Gruber, Rachel

Office: (320) 251-4956

Gruber Jr., Bob

Gruhot, Brian

Office: (507) 532-2334

Gruhot, Kris

Vice President
D & G Excavating, Inc.

Gschwind, Bill

Guggenberger, Craig

Office: (320) 363-7781

Gulbrandson, Amanda

Office: (701) 594-8166

Gundrum, Greg

VP Business Development
Mobile Air/Tioga Air Heaters
Office: (763) 525-4000
Cell: (303) 975-6238

Gustafson, Sue

Office: (701) 989-6371