Members by Contact

Sailor, Kyra

Safety Director
Kerzman Exteriors, Inc.
Office: (320) 290-7907

Sand, Nicole

Sanders, Jamie

Operations Coordinator
Schwab Construction Services

Sandvig, Sherri

Savchenko, Mandy

Office: (763) 295-0010

Scarski, Mike

Safety Director
Border States Electric

Scepaniak, Kurt

Schaffer, Amy

Office: (763) 295-0010

Schaffer, Joe

Safety Director
MN Native Landscapes, Inc.
Office: (763) 295-0010

Schaumburg, Eric

Rental Sales Manager
Ziegler Rental/Ziegler CAT
Office: (952) 887-6511
Cell: (612) 437-1578

Schaupp, Alicia

Schemenauer, Steve

Office: (612) 335-1500
Fax: (612) 335-1657
Cell: (612) 335-1891

Schempp, Carl

Scherf, Theresa

Office Manager
Casper Construction, Inc.
Office: (218) 326-9637

Scherr, Garret

Scherr, Neil

Office: (320) 763-4491
Fax: (320) 762-1231

Schiermeister, Mike

Office: (701) 224-1150

Schiffler, Bryan

Schimmelman, Sean

Safety Director
Eagle Sky Patrol
Office: (605) 920-1176

Schlavin, Kristyn

Office: (651) 982-6220

Schlitz, Mary

Office: (651) 457-5628
Fax: (651) 457-5991

Schmaltz, Keith

Schmid, Mark

Office: (763) 477-3885
Fax: (763) 477-3884
Cell: (612) 875-7098

Schmidt, Rodger

Safety Director
Borsheim Crane Service
Office: (701) 282-7263

Schmillen, Mike

Office: (612) 490-4603

Schmitz, Aaron

Office: (218) 444-8665

Schmitz, DuWayne

Northern MN & Central MN
OECS Workplace Safety Experts
Office: (320) 250-2110

Schmitz, Gordie

Schmitz, Jerome

Safety Director
Molin Concrete Products Co.

Schneider, Joe

Director of Development
Office: (701) 478-4300

Schneider, Tom

Schoenecker, Mike

Marketing/Business Development
Bradbury Stamm Construction
Office: (320) 266-0640

Schoenecker, Tom

Safety Director
B.J. Baas Builders, Inc.
Office: (763) 691-0444
Cell: (763) 843-3661

Schofield, Colin

Office: (952) 707-5050

Schonteich, Leif

Sr. Client Development Specialist
Office: (701) 282-9633

School, Mike

Schrank, Steve

Safety Director
Alatus Construction, LLC

Schreifels, Cory

Schreiner, Paul

Practice Leader - Construction Services
Office: (320) 255-5049
Cell: (320) 260-9665

Schroeder, Samantha

Office Manager
Romsdahl Companies Inc.
Office: (507) 736-2187

Schubert, Cory

Office: (612) 332-9050
Fax: (612) 332-9031

Schuller, Peter

Schultz, Jim

Vice President
Office: (952) 890-6450
Fax: (952) 890-5476

Schumacher, Scott

Office: (507) 732-5043

Schumacher, Taylor

Schumacher, Todd

Safety Director
Schumacher Excavating Inc.
Office: (507) 732-5043

Schummer, Josh

Dir. of Construction Services
McCormick Construction Company, Jeff

Schad Tracy Signs
Office: (507) 367-2631

Schurman, Jake

Office: (952) 285-3418

Schwab, Jason

Construction Practice Leader
Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC

Schwagerl, Bill

Office Manager
Thorstad Companies
Office: (952) 236-1180

Schwieters, Pat

Office: (651) 762-1110

Seanger, Eric

Seidel, Ben

Rental Sales Manager
Ziegler Rental/Ziegler CAT
Office: (952) 233-4357

Sellman, Jody

Office: (651) 229-5308

Sertich, Jen

Office: (701) 787-1200

Sertich, Mark

Office: (701) 787-1200

Seuser, Ian

Director of Safety
Office: (218) 820-0287

Sevcik, Nathan

Office: (800) 658-7002
Fax: (507) 334-5402

Sharp, Denny

Sheehan, Lance

Safety Director
The Quantive Group

Sheehan, Tim

Office: (763) 417-9599

Shefland, Dan

Office: (763) 477-3854
Cell: (612) 839-9026

Sherbrooke, David

Shufelt, Kyle

Office: (651) 762-1110
Fax: (651) 762-1115

Sievert, Chris

Office: (701) 516-8128

Sievert, Tim

Office: (262) 960-3665

Sinks, Adam

Skluzacek, Brandon

Smieja, Matt

Smith, Brad

Smith, Brad

Berd Electric, LLC
Office: (320) 656-0847

Smith, Brian

Office: (870) 390-3090

Smith, Sherie

Office Manager
Alatus Construction, LLC
Office: (612) 360-3710

Smith, Tanya

Office: (715) 592-6942

Soanes, Matt

Business Development
Molin Concrete Products Co.
Office: (651) 786-7722
Cell: (612) 430-3803

Solseth, Andrew

Project Coordinator
KMI Mechanical, Inc.
Office: (218) 454-0828

Soma, Eric

Safety Director
Home Safety Solutions, Inc.

Soppeland, Michelle
Installed Building Solutions II, LLC
Office: (651) 463-9333

Spaeth, Shane

Office: (612) 221-0108

Spanier, Jana

Office: (651) 762-1110

Speckmann, Charlie

Safety Director
SpeckTacular Concrete, LLC

Speckmann, Jill

Human Resources
SpeckTacular Concrete, LLC
Office: (612) 414-6728

Spry, Ron

Office: (218) 935-2191

St. John, Andrew

Staloch, Chris

Branch Manager - St. Paul
White Cap
Cell: (612) 499-0618

Stanke, Julie

President & CEO
Fresh Paint Inc.
Office: (651) 328-7835

Steinmetz, Lloyd

Office: (218) 498-8422

Steinmeyer, Jen

Office Manager
Pember Companies, Inc.
Office: (715) 235-0316

Stenglein, Ray

Corporate Secretary
Environmental Associates Inc.
Office: (320) 231-0461
Fax: (320) 235-2871

Stern, Al

Sales Manager
Simonson Lumber Company
Office: (320) 257-3583
Fax: (320) 252-9483

Stifter, Kirk

Office: (952) 567-6840

Stock, Bryn

Stockness, Tim

Office: (651) 484-1286
Fax: (651) 484-0851

Stofferahn, Alexis

Human Resources
PKG Contracting, Inc.

Stotko, Greg

Strain, Mikayla

Human Resources
Roers General Contracting
Office: (763) 285-8808

Strand, Jason

Sr. Estimator
MCI Paint & Drywall

Strelnieks, Mark

VP of Construction Mgmt.
Nor-Son Construction
Office: (800) 858-1722

Strom, Brandon

Subsurface, Inc.

Strom, Gary

Stroup, David

Office: (561) 657-7748

Struble, Carla

Struble, Mark

Struckmann, Kat

Vice President
AOS Home Solution
Office: (507) 923-3530

Stugelmayer, Todd

Sublette, Dave

Safety Director
ABHE & Svoboda Inc.

Sundeen, Josh

Operations Manager - Fargo
Bergstrom Electric, Inc.

Svoboda, Gail

Svoboda, James

Swagger, Roger

Swan, Bret

Office: (612) 328-2357

Swanson, Jayne

Shareholder/Safety Dir.
Nickel Construction Inc.
Office: (507) 427-2352

Swenson, Eric

Office: (507) 233-4314

Sylvester, Jimmy

Syverson, Rodney

Szwarek, Joseph

Safety Director
Northern Clearing, Inc.